Be a donkey for the Good SamaritanThe parable the good Samaritan is an exceedingly strong story. Yet you have to ask yourself whether we really understand this story. An important question is: should we also be a good Samaritan or are we on the road to Jericho like that half-dead man and do we need help? Or an even crazier thought: is it perhaps our role to be the donkey of that Samaritan? Why is the donkey so important in the Bible?
Sheep and donkeys in the Bible
A herd of sheep with a shepherd is a powerful image. Sheep always move around in large groups and they need guidance and protection. With this picture you could also describe a community of believers. But this image of sheep does not fit when work needs to be done. Have you ever seen a sheep carrying a heavy load for its boss? In Biblical times you needed other animals for that. Man’s great helper in the Bible is the donkey.
- The parable of the Good Samaritan
- Balaam and his talking donkey
- The blessing of Judah: Binding his donkey’s colt to the choice vine
- Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey?
- What can we learn from the commandment You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey?
- Is a donkey’s jawbone strong enough for Samson?
- The law for overloaded donkeys
- The strong donkey Issachar
- Donkeys protect sheep against wolves
Endorsement by Julia Blum
So many books have been written about the Bible and about Jesus, that when somebody surprises us with some new look at the Scriptures, it truly feels like a miracle. The book that you are holding in your hands is indeed such a miracle – because you are about to read the things that you’ve never read or heard of before. Klaas de Jong takes his readers on a wonderful educational journey through the biblical stories – all the while, speaking to their hearts and changing their minds. As a result, this book not only this book provides some refreshing insights into Old Testament stories and Jesus’ parables, it also offers a very new perspective of our spiritual journey through life. I just haven’t been able to put this book down – and I am sure you will not be able to either!
About Julia Blum
Professor Julia Blum is a teacher at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies in Jerusalem. Blum wrote several books on the Jewish background of the New Testament.